Thursday, August 11, 2011

Captain Obvious Reprinted!

My design I did based on a concept by Nathan Stillie has been re-printed again on Threadless!

You can purchase it here:,guys/style,shirt

I highly suggest picking up a shirt if you like the design as soon as you can as these tend to sell out quickly!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Someone Made a Cake with my Design!

So, Threadless has this competition titled Threadcakes, where users submit cakes made of their favorite threadless designs, and I was really excited when my sister pointed out that Sarah Woodward made a cake with my design "Captain Obvious" on it.  It's super rad, pretty amazing in execution, and I think it's rad that somewhere out there, someone might be eating something inspired by a design I did! So awesome!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So, my design infi-NERD-Tee is up for scoring on Jinx! I've long thought this design would make an epic shirt, and think JINX is the perfect company to print it! If you can, please go to the link below and leave a comment, and score for this design! Let's make this happen, and have epic nerd-dom into an eternal icon!​test_detail.aspx?id=1430